website traffic for law firms

The 3 Types Of Website Traffic & The One Your Law Firm Should Focus on

Now is as good a time as any for a firm to start adopting digital and focusing on the types of website traffic that your law firm should focus on.

You might feel more urgency as even more things move online during this current pandemic. You and your team might even have an extra few hours each week to dedicate to a different area of the practice so you’re starting to look at getting your firm online. Whatever has got you here, we applaud you for taking this first step as investing in your digital assets is an investment in yourself and your business.

However, building the website or the profiles on the different platforms is only step one. All too often, firms think just because they have created something online, they should start generating new business. That’s not the way it works unfortunately and while it definitely is not rocket science, it’s not quite as easy as that either.

Acquiring and looking at the types of website Traffic

To get new clients online, you need to be seen by the right people. You need these people to visit your website, this is what we call your site traffic.

So, that will be your next job – how can you start generating traffic?

As we said, you want to acquire the right type of visitors to your website and different assets so you can eventually one day work with them as a client.

Acquiring traffic is a massive topic in itself and we’ve looked at it plenty of times on the Evolve Marketing Blog so instead, let’s break down the different types of traffic that exist and the one that you should put your focus into.

1. Traffic You Control

This is traffic such as Google & Facebook Ads. They are campaigns you’ve set up so you can control how much you spend, the locations you target and the types of people you want interacting with your firm.

You have control as you can turn this campaign on and off and dictate who comes to your website.

However, the main disadvantage of this type of traffic is that it is expensive and you are paying every time someone clicks on your ad to visit your website.

2. Traffic You Don’t Control

This is the traffic you might get from your SEO efforts and other organic marketing activities.

Unlike the traffic you do control, this is a great form of acquiring visitors to your website as there is no cost per click. Although there are obviously resources that you need to put in place to be in a position to acquire this type of traffic.

The main downside though is you don’t have any real control of it. You can be the victim of any new algorithm changes. Your position may fall and you could have no idea why so it is hard to rely on this form of traffic.

3. Traffic You Own

Finally, this is the traffic you get from assets within the distribution network that you own.

Your firm needs to focus its campaigns on traffic type number 3. So, any of the strategies you do that are focusing on Traffic Source #1 & #2 should have the aim to convert it to the type of traffic that you own.

This is for a few reasons. It isn’t a hit and hope strategy and allows you to continue to market to somebody while only paying for them once.

This is the ideal scenario for increasing your return on investment while trying to maintain some level of control over your ad spend.

This is the perfect scenario in marketing and advertising as you pay for the person’s eyes once, then once they are in “your world”, you can continue to communicate with them free of charge.

Make sure all your campaigns have this focus and you’ll be on the right path.



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