Google Local service ads for law firms

Guide For Google’s Local Service Ads

If you’ve searched for home service contractors (such as plumbers and electricians) in the last few years, you may have noticed the “Google Guaranteed” service providers box at the top of the search engine results page. You may even click on an ad and schedule an appointment on the contractor’s landing page. Advocate Google’s local service ads (LSA) provide a similar experience for legal buyers.

Here are some of the key LSA features:

  • Google puts these ads above organic results, PPC ads, and Google My Business listings


  • The local service ads direct visitors to the Google landing page, not your website. When buyers come to the page, they can call your law firm on a tracking number or send you a message.


  • With LSA, you only pay when someone calls your tracking number or is sending you a message to your law firm. Clicks do not lead to charges.

Because local service ads are relatively new in most communities, they give first-time recipients a more powerful option than competitors.

Benefits of Google local service ads

Irish ad spending has been increasing over the years. Google search ads, especially, have seen a 7% rise to €306 million with an estimated 40% market share of the entire Irish ad spend. Here are some of the benefits of using LSAs:

  1. Local service ads drive more visibility and clicks to your law firm
  2. With these ads, you only pay for active leads
  3. You can specify exactly where and when your local service ads for your law firm appear appear
  4. LSAs provide costs for each lead
  5. You can improve your confidence with the Google Guarantee

How does Google rank law firms in local service ads?

Google uses predefined factors to determine how often legal buyers see your local service ads. The following are considered when the search engine ranks your law firm:

  • Personal search context, including specific terms you searched for, time of day, and other metrics
  • Your Google My Business review score
  • How quickly you respond to customer questions
  • The closeness of your office to the individual
  • Your business hours
  • Serious or repeated complaints to Google

Manage potential client queries from Google LSAs

When potential clients conduct local searches and are shown a Google Local Advertisement, they are given the opportunity to initiate a call with the phone number in the ad. If you choose to manage potential clients through the local service ads app, you can review your customers’ query records, and contact them, contact books, and receive consultation reminders.

Include your license and insurance details

To get Google Authenticator and to use local service ads, you will need to submit proof that you are a licensed and certified professional. Make sure your documents are up-to-date and provide details of your general liability insurance and related licenses.

Local service ads are expected to be one of the most important trends in local search advertising in Ireland for the next few years for law firms. Don’t be left behind. These ads are ideal for increasing your local leads and establishing a brand presence for your law firm or practice.



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